Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Enjoying it again :)

I have finally got the bug again.

I am enjoying programming now. There were quite a few months there where I felt I'd hit a wall. The whole process seemed like work and every task seemed to be huge. Worse, the longer I spent away from the keyboard the less I understood my own code. It was a bit of a vicious circle and I was worried I'd have to pass the project on to someone else.

Thankfully, though, I found a way back in. The people on the Discord channel had asked for a couple of things and this proved to be the impetus I needed. I've made a raft of small improvements and added a couple of what feel to be significant features. I've also had a change of direction re: what is happening next; Table Engineer seems to be what I want to do. I'm also excited to push on with the XML validation task. A change is as good as a rest, they say, and I am sure I will come roaring back at Equipment Engineer in the near future.

Cheers to one and all for support and feedback.
