Tuesday, 5 February 2019


Hey folks!

I've rolled back to version 0.4.41 as I found a bug I couldn't correct in some of my recent updates. It's taken me a week to roll back because I also discovered an issue in Github Desktop - it didn't allow for rolling back!

I had to download another Git GUI (Sourcetree) and work out how the hell to use it, then create a new directory and download everything...

I found out something about myself. I don't deal all that well with setbacks :)  Growth mindset though. Doing the updates a second time will allow me to improve them, right?

I'm back to a position I can try to move forward from again. I apologise deeply if you had issues with recent FG modules and they were caused by my bug. Try compiling them again with this version and everything should be safe.

As ever, any issues you find - don't hesitate; give me grief on Discord!



  1. Great work buddy! So where do you see this project going? Plan on classes, archetypes, etc?

  2. Yes, hopefully every aspect of FG. I'm going through a slow spell just now where kids, work and minor health niggles are making me do very little (I'm not even gaming) but I will be back. Thanks!
