Monday, 8 July 2019

Small changes

Hi folks!

There's a new update today - v0.5.15 - and it serves mostly as a bug fix update. There are a couple of new features, though, just to keep things interesting :)

As ever after the early summer marking frenzy (I am a teacher), it takes me a little while to get going again. Having a few bug fixes to approach and a couple of small new features helps me back into the swing of things. My code isn't the tidiest on the planet, so it takes a bit of effort to follow how my thinking had been going when I wrote it. I wish I could afford an assistant whose job was to tidy my code and comment it after I'd finished working on it each night!

OK, off to edit a video for the Patreon site.
Stay happy!



  1. Is it possible or would it be possible to import characters from D&D Beyond into Engineer Suite and then export them for import into Fantasy Grounds?

  2. Hi, sorry I missed this. I am not getting notifications about messages for some reason.
    Anyway, on with an answer! If you mean PCs, then no - you can't use Engineer Suite for this I am afraid. It is something I may look at adding but it is a long way in the future.
    If you mean NPCs/monsters, then yes - there's a D&D Beyond import feature for those :)
