Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Loving my new computer!

After a couple of months of work-related stuff, I have finally got back into the programming. One of the bars was the fact my old system was taking 15 minutes or more to be usable through disk thrashing, and I was getting the odd blue screen of death. The system was basically unusable, and certainly no place to trust coding to!

Luckily, all the extra work came with some extra money, and the donations I had received from some of you fine people helped enormously too (you bought my lovely new monitor, in fact!) I spent the last week or so building the system and installing everything (and having great fun in the process), and so now there was no excuse to put off programming!

I jumped straight in with an issue that has been annoying people since I started NPC Engineer - the enforced alphabetical sorting of Traits and Actions. I'd had ideas, and I felt they were achievable. I met with success, and so I got the bug again :)

There's been a couple of other additions and improvements, so be sure to check out the change log!



  1. Awesome to see a new update, any idea when Spell Engineer might get an update for importing text from PDFs?

    1. I have a couple of minor flaws to iron out in NPC Engineer over the next couple of nights, and then I am going to turn my attention to Spell Engineer again. Import is the major thing missing for SpEng; after that, it'll get a Reference Manual treatment too. So hopefully over the next 2 weeks - this is my plan at any rate!

    2. Just in case you don't notice it elsewhere - the import module for Spell Engineer is now live :)
