Sunday 16 September 2018

Engineer Suite information

Current release Version: 0.6.28
(release date 11 September 2019)

Engineer Suite setup.exe
Full installer. This is the recommended method.

Engineer - All files necessary to run NPC Engineer.
    NOTE: For best results, install the font included in the zip (right click and choose 'install' - it is a free font.)

    The program comprises several modules:

    NPC Engineer
    • Enable the import of NPCs from a variety of sources (PDFs, D&D Beyond, CritterDB, RPG Tinker and others);
    • Edit the imported information;
    • Parse to produce a bestiary module for Fantasy Grounds;
    • Export to a variety of formats, including RTF for MS Word, BBCode and HTML.
    It is also possible to create NPCs from scratch, save them individually to an NPC file for later parsing, and export to a NPC file suitable for other parsers.
    Images and tokens are handled as smoothly as possible - both are copied to the correct directory and renamed properly to make the process of building a bestiary as quick and as accurate as possible.
    The module file produced has a library section which mimics the Monster Manual, and NPCs import spell information and spell slots automatically when opened or added to the combat tracker (assuming you have the source book required open). All NPC functions are fully supported - Actions, Legendary Actions, Lair Actions, Spellcasting and so on.

    This version also creates a reference manual section for NPCs fully automatically.

    Spell Engineer
    • Enable the import of spells from a variety of sources (PDFs, D&D Beyond and others);
    • Edit the imported information;
    • Parse to produce a codex module for Fantasy Grounds;
    • Export to a variety of formats, including RTF for MS Word, BBCode and HTML.
    It is also possible to create spells from scratch, and save them individually  to a Spell file for later parsing.
    The module file produced has a library section which mimics the Player's Handbook.

    Table Engineer
    • Paste tables from Excel, Sheets, Word;
    • Edit the imported information;
    • Easily include links to other tables (or other items);
    • Make table entries rollable with a click of a button;
    • Parse to produce a module for Fantasy Grounds;
    • Import from a CSV file.
    It is also possible to create tables from scratch, and save them individually  to a table file for later parsing.

    Equipment Engineer
    • Import data from PDFs or the web;
    • Edit the imported information;
    • Import weapons from the NPC Weapon list;
    • Export weapons to the NPC Weapon list;
    • Parse to produce a module for Fantasy Grounds;
    • Import from a CSV file.
    It is also possible to create items from scratch, and save them individually  to an equipment file for later parsing.

    Source code can be found on Github.

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